Sajjad Sadiq
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Javascript 10 Basic Fundamental A re-introduction Concept.

Hello programmers! For today’s post, I’ve decided to do an article summary map of the basic A re-introduction to JavaScript.the basically summarizes the main foundational concepts without you needing to spend hours reading up on everything.

Alternatively, it can be used as a reference guide to quickly get you started. Bite-sized explanations are posted below. Hope you like it!

This post covers some basic A re-introduction to JavaScript.

JavaScript programs manipulate values, and those values all belong to a type. After a long time learning and working with object-oriented programming,

00. Code Structure

A statement is like a sentence — but in code.

For example:

console.log('Hey Sajjad');

01. “String”

Primitive values, like “Sajjad Sadiq”, cannot have properties or methods (because they are not objects).

The String the object is used to represent and manipulate a sequence of characters. Strings are useful for holding data that can be represented in text form. check their…. length,indexOf(),charAt(),concat(),includes(),endsWith(),substr(),trimEnd(),trimStart(),toUppercase(),toLowercase(),slice(),split(),replace(),

var jsStr= "hey! you are a programmer?";

02. “Number”

Arrays are list-like objects, ECMAScript has two built-in numeric types: Number and BigInt. Values of other types can be converted to numbers using the Number() function.Convert different object values to their numberlike 42 or -12.32.

Number.isNaN():Determine whether the passed value is NaN.

Number.isInteger():Determine whether the passed value is an integer.

03. “Array”

JavaScript arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. An array is a special variable, which can hold more than one value at a time.


var array_name = [item1, item2, ...];

For example:

var language= ["c", "java", "python", "javascript"];

04. “Math”

Math is a built-in object, Math works with the Number type. The JavaScript Math object allows you to perform mathematical tasks on numbers.

Math.abs(saj):Returns the absolute value of saj.

Math.ceil(saj):Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to saj.

Math.floor(saj):Returns the largest integer less than or equal to saj.

The End Topics!

Sajjad Sadiq
Sajjad Sadiq

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